Christmas Letter

From Chris and Kellie
Revision as of 11:38, 30 October 2015 by Chrisj (Talk | contribs)

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Hello Friends and Family

Christian and Kellie hope and pray that this letter finds everyone well and happy. This year has been crazy for us and both sets of parents.

Let's start at the beginning of the year. Kellie spent the week of New Year's in Colorado (oh how beautiful the mountains are with sow on them) with Christian and his parents. Diamond came out with Kellie and she was like what's that cold wet white stuff falling from the sky? She was okay with the drive up but hated the flight back to Oklahoma, she couldn't ride in Kellie's (momma's) lap on the flight.

At the end of January Kellie got a phone call from the place were were getting married at, and there was a schedling conflict and we couldn't get married on March 7. It was a mad scramble to get new invitations made and sent out in time for everyone to make arrangements.